Collection SummaryThe Mahi Māreikura room is dedicated primarily for the display and conservation of the collected taonga and works of the late Dr. Pei te Hurinui Jones.Description
Dr. Jones, a Ngāti Maniapoto leader, interpreter, scholar and genealogist, was a prominent figure in the revival and retention of the Māori language, and of Māori cultural knowledge and heritage in the 20th century.
The motto for the room is Huakina! Riariakina! Kia hahaina, kia rangahia! Which translates as Open! Explore! To grasp (the knowledge that was taught/handed down) and bring it together!
This room also hosts a collection from the library of Dr. Pei te Hurinui Jones’ colleague and close whānaunga, Emeritus Professor Bruce Biggs, and the papers and collection of Dr. Maharaia Winiata.
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