The Halt All Racist Tours (HART) was established in 1969 by a group of University of Auckland students to protest against New Zealand's participation in rugby union tours to and from South Africa whilst South Africa operated under an apartheid system. HART prepared to protest against the All Blacks tour of South Africa in 1970.
Primarily, the focus of the group's activity was the sports boycott of South Africa. However, HART later advocated for the cessation of all contact with South Africa due to the apartheid. HART also had a connection with the 1981 Springbok Tours, John Minto (national organiser) was a key figure who advocated for the cancellation of the tour and became one of the key figures of the anti-tour movement.
In 1990, Michael Law presented to the University of Waikato Library ninety-five boxes containing content relating to the Anti-Apartheid Movement and Race Relations in New Zealand and covering the period 1969 to 1982.
Date of EventBetween 1st January 1969 and 31st December 1982